Thursday, August 11, 2011

National Smore's Day

Well Yesterday was national smore's day :)
YUM such a great day!!
I decided to create a different treat that
still incorporated s'mores
and this is what I came up with...
S'mores cupcakes!!!

This is a dark bittersweet choc cupcake
with crushed graham cracker in the cupcake
coated with choc ganache and topped with a
whipped marshmallow meringue and garnished
with some more crushed graham crackers!!
The best part of these is that they are just
as messy oooey gooey as the real smores.
That was half the fun of watching all of my
co workers eat these :0

Well I hope you all celebrated national smores day with an ooey gooey sticky treat if you didn't Shame Shame on you. You have to take advantage of these silly little holidays that give us an excuse to eat some yummy fatty treats right???

Monday, August 1, 2011

Heaven in the form of a cupcake

My addiction to cupcakes is still continuing.
I swear I dream about cupcakes at night and
they are all I think about during the day.
So of course I whipped out the handy dandy
kitchen aid. He is my right hand man.
I love him.
I decided to go with an old fashioned favorite.
When my soon to be brother in law said throw some raspberries in.
I have to say his idea was excellent. These
cupcakes came out heavenly. :)

And I decided to put some melted chocolate in the buttercream
and it made it even more heavenly when I topped these
badboys with this frosting. . YUMMY im drooling just
thinking about it.

Don't forget me for your special days or special events. . . you can order online at the following link:

Have a fantastic evening I know I will when I savor my cupcake tonight :) ha