Thursday, May 17, 2012

life since the baby has come...

I know this blog is supposed to be about my baking, but I just had to share a little about whats been going on recently. As you all know I was very pregnant in the last posts, our baby boy finally made his arrival april 26th. I had to be induced because he was so stubborn, I walked around dilated to a 2 and 80% effaced for a month, waiting for him to come!! The doctor, my family, friends, everyone thought he was going to come way early, but he did not. Our beautiful baby boy was born at 3:42pm on April 26th, he weighed 8lbs 2oz and was 22in long. (my dr was glad she didn't make me wait longer to be induced, he was a big boy already.)

My world has changed so much since the arrival of our sweet son Jaxon, I am sleep deprived, always doing for Jaxon, I forget to eat, our house is always a mess, I haven't stopped doing laundry since I came home from the hospital and I was an emotional wreck for the first couple of days, BUT I wouldn't change it for the world :)

I LOVED being pregnant and I LOVED giving birth. THE COOLEST EXPERIENCE in my life thus far. Being a mommy is challanging and very hard at times, but so rewarding. I miss being pregnant already and Jaxon has only been out of my tummy for three weeks lol... I also can't wait to give birth to another child :) I know Im freaking crazy...

Jaxon is definently NOT an easy baby :) this child is stubborn as stubborn gets, fussy as fussy gets, but so sweet and so worth it!! God gave Dane and I a challenge when Jaxon was born, but we have risen to the occasion and it has blessed us both!! Like many people have said to us, this whole experience has shown how much Dane and I love eachother and how strong our relationship is. Jaxon has Major tummy issue(things are getting MUCH MUCH better now though) but the first few days he would cry and cry and scream pretty much all night, but Dane and I have yet to fight, bicker or rip eachothers heads off. We have come together as a team and worked SO well together to take care of Jaxon.

I do want to brag for two seconds :)
I have the best Fiance in the world. From what I hear, most husbands/boyfriends/fiances don't help out too much when it comes to having the baby home. But Dane will stay up all night with me if I let him, wakes up at every feeding to make sure i don't need anything, lets me pass out while Jaxon is throwing a major tantrum and just deals with it, changes diapers, loves to feed him, has washed so many bottles, dishes and made so many dinners for me. I am so blessed and so thankful!!

Im getting back into baking again since im feeling much better, so more post soon with some sweet treats!!!