Monday, November 21, 2011

Perfect Holiday breakfast

So pinterest has taken over my life. . . Its a love hate relationship, I love the ideas on there, but hate that looking through all the pages takes up my WHOLE day ;)
So I saw an idea for cinnamon roll cupcakes and decided to create my own recipe for it and can I say they turned out delicious! I Love sweet things in the morning so I think that this would make the perfect holiday morning treat.
It may not have all the nutritious values we need but hey its yummy right?
Here are my results:
Fresh Outta the oven, and I must say the buttery cinnamon smell was amazinggggg
all frosted up with cream cheese frosting!! Ohh the goodness :)

So tomorrow I go in for my 18 wk baby check up then two weeks from that we get to find out the gender :)))) YAY
So i will be doing a fun baking project for that to announce to everyone what we are having, so be on the look out!!
I think we are having a baby boy, due to the fact that I'm as big as another little lady I work with, who is 7 months along and having a baby girl.

1 comment:

  1. These look wonderful. I am new to your blog, so I took some time to browse through your earlier posts. I'm so glad I did that. You are a talented baker and I'll definitely be back to see what you have been working on. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary
