Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The New Year

2012 huh. Crazy right?
I am excited to see what the New Year will bring
I will be bringing my first baby into the world,
I have many goals set that I am going to acheive
& I'm sure the year will bring along many good and bad suprises!!

As you know I am having a baby boy:)
My wonderful Fiance suprised me today,
I have been dreading painting the baby room,
so today we got our old clothes on to paint
and my fiance opened the door and it was all done!!
I was so HAPPY!!! It looks perfect, we still have to add a few
final touches and we have a couple of really cute jungle vinyls
to decorate the walls but here it is.
I haven't had much time for baking the last few days but hopefully soon, and when it happens ill be sure to post some yummy pictures!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and New Years!

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