Thursday, January 5, 2012

my cupcake creation. . .

So I'm sure many people have seen the popular show Cake Boss!!
Since my fiance and I don't believe in paying an ungodly amount of $$$$ for cable, especially when every time you turn the tv on there is NOTHING on to watch anyways, we have been watching cake boss on netflix!
Being a baker I love the show, I love his creations and the drama of the show. My fiance on the other hand hates that they push the dramaticness in the show and hates that his big huge italian family is SOOOO loud and obnoxious. He also hates that they use rice crispy treats to build some of the cakes because in his eyes its not a real cake if you aren't using all elements of cake!! Its acutally hard to watch the show with him because of all his bratty comments :) But I still love him, he just doesn't appreciate the true art of dramatic television hehe!!
Well in a few of the past episodes they have made cakes filled with cannoli filling and have made cannolis for certain special occasions. Well I have never had a cannoli in my life, but boy did they look delcious. Every episode that has this creamy cannoli goodness filling cakes makes my pregnant body drool!
So tonight while I was sitting there itching to bake something and trying to come up with something different that I haven't seen before, I thought YESS thats it cannoli cupcakes!!
So here they are I started with a white chocolate cupcake, filled it with this cannoli goodness and topped it off with a creamy whippy chocolate frosting!

Yum I love the cannoli filling. its not too sweet and its light and creamy!!
Love to hear your feedback and comments!!
Tata for now, until my next baking experience:)

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