Thursday, April 14, 2011

As of late

Petite PoPs sure has been busy, but so thankful for being busy!!! 
I have kind of felt like a CrAzY cake pop lady haha
The second I think I'm done baking for a second, 
I get a phone call or email asking for more pops, I don't think I have seen
my kitchen counters until today!! But the good thing is I LOVE IT!! 
I just did some super cute easter egg pops today and loved seeing 
the kids faces when they came into my office for their daily pop and 
saw awesome easter eggs.
They really are the PERFECT treat for kids, especially for easter. 
A lot of moms have even been using them as a reward for their kids 
which is FINE for me ;) and they absolutely love when their kids come 
home and ask for chores to earn money!!!

But any whoo I just wanted to remind everyone about the easter egg pops
they are $1.50ea or $15.00/dozen!!! They also look AdOrAbLe in an easter basket bouquet $18.00 for a dozen pops in a precious basket with easter grass and all!!! The kids will think very highly of the easter bunny if they woke up to this on easter morning!!! :)

 Don't forget to "like" my facebook page "Petite PoPs" I just got done giving away free pops so you never know when you could get an awesome giveaway like that.

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