Sunday, April 3, 2011

Potted Plants

Well I failed to complete all of my projects today due to the semi nice weather outside. . . :)
I decided to go play while I had the time and no orders to complete!
I did in fact get all of my petite balls rolled and some
of the fun shapes cut that I want to play around with.

Here are some quick snap shots of the project I did complete tonight!!
I think they turned out adorable, and are perfect for a gift!!

*Coming Soon*
Ordering sheet with flavor and style combinations
there are just so many fun flavor combos to make it is taking me a while to make and taste(mMMMmmmmM the best part) all of the flavors etc etc. But it will be up shortly...

                                                                      Potted Flowers

                                                                           So cute

                                                 Perfect way to celebrate the start of spring. . .

To place your order for a Perfect Petite Pot of Flower Pops please contact me by email:
                                        for all of the details.

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