Oh how excited I am , and as I say this I think to myself wow your really this excited over this? Well I bet your wondering well what in the heck are you so excited about????
..... well ...... I have some AMAZING TASTY recipes to go home and try!!!
haha i know what your thinking, you thought I was going to be oh so excited about something big!!
Well this is big in my book. . . and good for your tummys!
I am so passionate about not only my wonderful fiance' but baking I love it and everything I bake has part of my love to bake in it!! ♥
I also wanted to take the time to thank everyone for their support as I slowly but surely get my petite pops business going.
Each time someone asks me to do an order of pops for them I get this HUGE grin on my face.
I'm one of these people who likes to put a smile on other people's face and if I don't accomplish this I do not feel complete. One of the reasons I decided to start doing Petite PoPs and selling them along with bouquets of pops was because I know when I had my first cake pop It made me smile!!
Whats not to smile about??? decadent cake and chocolate on a stick oooooh boy they are delicous and takes you to that feel good place... you all know what im talking about. So I wanted to be able to share this good feeling with others.
So thank you everyone for your support I sure do appreciate it!!
P.S I started a Petite PoPs facebook page, so not only will I be posting on here religiously but I will be posting there as well. I have some fun ideas for givaways too so go and "like" my page Petite PoPs so that when the givaways happen you can have a shot at something TaStY*
And when I find the time to try these new recipes(if it doesn't happen tonight) I will OF COURSE post the results. . .
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