So the real question is . . . Why did I start Petite PoPs?
I have been thinking about doing it for a while, but always got distracted or gun shy.
I'm the kind of person, who doesn't like to put myself out there to be judged, i would rather stay in my comfort zones and feel good.
I started doing these PoPs about two Christmas's Ago and I absolutely just LOVED them!! I gave them as gifts to close family & friends and they were a BIG hit!! No one had seen them before so this got me super excited.
Then about the middle of this February I decided to just do this in home business!!!
I was bummed when I started this that Starbucks had come out with PoPs and a couple other people I know are selling them, but hey we all have different clientele and different styles. I had no intention of ever copying anyone, I thought no one had EVER seen them ha i guess i was wrong. But I'm glad I didn't let it get me too down, I'm not going to stop doing something I love because someone else is too.
I have been strapped financially for a long time now, and am tired of stressing about my monthly bills. So that is another big reason I started this was to help with bills and help me breathe every month! As I have looked for a full time job (which there really are none) nothing has worked out in my favor! Plus. . . my job I have during the week now, I just LOVE, I teach dance at a local non profit dance studio in Pocatello and manage the office there. This is the most rewarding job there is:)
It may not be full time or pay SUPER good but seeing the smiles on those children's faces as I teach them is priceless...
I am so blessed to have the support of my family and close friends as I start my adventure with Petite PoPs. Petite PoPs has taken off with flying colors these first few months and I am so grateful!
I will be adding new treats (once the orders slow down and I have more free time to play around with new things!) soon, they will all be "Petite" as well.
I look forward to what may come with this business adventure and thank you for your support!
Here's some fun easter pops I am finishing up for orders this week
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