Monday, November 21, 2011

Perfect Holiday breakfast

So pinterest has taken over my life. . . Its a love hate relationship, I love the ideas on there, but hate that looking through all the pages takes up my WHOLE day ;)
So I saw an idea for cinnamon roll cupcakes and decided to create my own recipe for it and can I say they turned out delicious! I Love sweet things in the morning so I think that this would make the perfect holiday morning treat.
It may not have all the nutritious values we need but hey its yummy right?
Here are my results:
Fresh Outta the oven, and I must say the buttery cinnamon smell was amazinggggg
all frosted up with cream cheese frosting!! Ohh the goodness :)

So tomorrow I go in for my 18 wk baby check up then two weeks from that we get to find out the gender :)))) YAY
So i will be doing a fun baking project for that to announce to everyone what we are having, so be on the look out!!
I think we are having a baby boy, due to the fact that I'm as big as another little lady I work with, who is 7 months along and having a baby girl.

The beginning of the Holiday Season Has Begun. . .

Christmas music on the radio, walking into the stores and smelling cinnamon and pine cones and seeing all the beautiful happy Christmas decorations. . . This is my FAVORITE time of the year. My tummy tickles around all the excitement and hustle and bustle of the season! I hope everyone is enjoying this as much as I am.
I thought that I would share with you what I have been up to the past few weeks since I haven't talked to you in so long! I had my first big cupcake order for a breaking dawn party!! I had so much fun being in the kitchen day and night baking cupcakes and decorating them. Here are my end results:
310 Cupcakes all finished.
vanilla cupcakes with black sparklies!
Chocolate cupcakes with red swirls...
red velvet cupcakes

I was proud of my first order :) and it made it all worth it when I received compliments via text and facebook on them!!

Have a wonderful day full of lots of holiday cheer!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

My Life as of lately and Halloween Special

It has been awhile since I have been on and a lot has been happening since then!!!
First off The big news is. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
My fiance and I are having a baby :) We are so excited for this little blessing in our lives. I'm about 3months along now and loving it!!
Here is our baby's first ultrasound it was such a realistic shock to see the lil bean inside me I LOVED it! And the look on my fiance's face when it popped up on the screen was priceless I cried a little!!

So thats my big news :) I am also running a little Halloween special on my PoPs.
One dozen PoPs arranged in a Halloween arrangement for $15.00!! Great deal!!
Please order via the link to the right side of this blog page:)
Thanks for reading and i will post more soon!!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

National Smore's Day

Well Yesterday was national smore's day :)
YUM such a great day!!
I decided to create a different treat that
still incorporated s'mores
and this is what I came up with...
S'mores cupcakes!!!

This is a dark bittersweet choc cupcake
with crushed graham cracker in the cupcake
coated with choc ganache and topped with a
whipped marshmallow meringue and garnished
with some more crushed graham crackers!!
The best part of these is that they are just
as messy oooey gooey as the real smores.
That was half the fun of watching all of my
co workers eat these :0

Well I hope you all celebrated national smores day with an ooey gooey sticky treat if you didn't Shame Shame on you. You have to take advantage of these silly little holidays that give us an excuse to eat some yummy fatty treats right???

Monday, August 1, 2011

Heaven in the form of a cupcake

My addiction to cupcakes is still continuing.
I swear I dream about cupcakes at night and
they are all I think about during the day.
So of course I whipped out the handy dandy
kitchen aid. He is my right hand man.
I love him.
I decided to go with an old fashioned favorite.
When my soon to be brother in law said throw some raspberries in.
I have to say his idea was excellent. These
cupcakes came out heavenly. :)

And I decided to put some melted chocolate in the buttercream
and it made it even more heavenly when I topped these
badboys with this frosting. . YUMMY im drooling just
thinking about it.

Don't forget me for your special days or special events. . . you can order online at the following link:

Have a fantastic evening I know I will when I savor my cupcake tonight :) ha

Sunday, July 31, 2011


It was my sweet little nephews 6th birthday this Saturday so I thought I would whip him up some cupcakes in coordinating colors to his iron man themed birthday!! (plus I have been itching to have a reason to bake up some cupcakes) I visited a local store here that just opened its doors. A cupcake shop!! I wasn't too impressed but my wheels got to turning about cupcakes after that...
Here they are, they were a hit :)

Dutch chocolatey goodness is what I like to call these!!

Well just a short post for now

ta ta ta will have more posts later!! I have a big order of scooby doo pops this week... they will be fun to show off :)

Monday, June 27, 2011

Whoopie Diaster... oops I mean whoopie pies and my sunday

So first off I would just like to say that I have been Loving confessions of a cookbook queen's blog. I love it because I am her ha. . . I would rather eat some sour patch kids for dinner than eat real food, I absolutely would rather sit in a big shirt from my fiance's side of the dresser and sweats and watch my TV shows than socialize and I love baking yummy treats ;)

Anyways I haven't really blogged lately because I haven't had time to bake ughhhh!
So I had yesterday off and I was of course sitting on the couch relaxing with my fiance, looking up recipes I would love to try!! I kept looking at whoopie pies and I guess my fiance could tell I was just ITCHING to try some so we made our trip to walmart to get my whoopie supplies and then it was on like donkey kong.
well it could of turned out better :) but hey in my defense it was my FIRST TIME EVER DOING THESE!!

so I didn't know they would spread out this much , it did get better from here but i forgot to take pictures... they cake parts of them were delish BUT the recipe I used for the filling called for 1 1/4 cups shortning YUCK I just can't even stomach the whoopies now with the texture of the filling. . . BUt I will conquer these one day!

But I did manage to whip up these scrumtious vanilla bean cupcakes!!

Oh and I forgot to tell you about the best part of the baking experience I (yet again) set the oven on fire :) oops I forgot that the other day when I was playing betty crocker making homemade pot pies(to die for homemade pot pies I mean crave these bad boys good yumm) I forgot to clean up the spills in the bottom from when they boiled over a tincy bit, so when I preheated the oven my fiance asked why the oven was smoking and WASN'T the least bit surprised to find a fire in the oven lol! (how sad that it doesn't even phase him anymore when flames occur in the kitchen while im in there)

for the past couple of months we have been awakened many times during the night by loud thumping up on the roof, many times during the night my lovely wonderful fiance has ran around the house in boxers with his gun trying to figure out what in the heck the noise is (it literally sounds like a boogie monster up on our roof walking around) so after hearing it over and over at night we came to the conclusions birds must be getting up under the eaves. . .
UNTIL last night we walked out on our porch to look at our new solar lights we put all around and we look up and something (BIG) scampered under the eave and then growled at us... UGH (at this point i was yelling at my brother in law in the house to get a flashlight and A GUN) i wasn't about to deal with getting attacked in my own yard at 10pm
So the conclusion.. its not a bird... its not a plane ... its a freaking RACOON... Seriously I think this would be a good time to say FML...

The best part is when we purchased our house(about a yr ago) we noticed we couldn't find the opening to the attic ANYWHERE ... so were assuming that its hidden under our drop down ceiling in one of the bedrooms(that the dumbA** homeowners who redid this house put in) So now as I am writing my blog I am waiting here for a call from my beloved fiance to tell me when the exterminator will be here. UGH Good luck to him trying to find the opening to the attic ...

Have a wonderful day I know I will


Friday, June 3, 2011

Summer time bakin~

So I need to vent my anger! My dad text me yesterday and asked if I had read the paper and if I hadn't he had an article he wanted me to read. So I went to his house to read this article about CAKE POPS. Now before I get into why im mad let me just say that I understand that bakerella was the first person to start the cake pop crave and I do realize that there are others out there that are making cake pops into small businesses like myself. "I do know I am not the only person to know how to make these in the world"
but in the article in the paper to the left side it had listed people who have started businesses with cake pops in the local area then off to the right side it had a detailed step by step process on how to make cake pops. This irritated me because here they are listing people who are trying to make ends meet starting a business with these then they give the community the recipe on how to do it. CONTRADICTING if i say so myself!
Oh well life goes on and Im going to keep on doing what i do:) just had to get that off my chest.

So today I woke up and decided that since summer is TRYING to be here I wanted to do some baking that involved a summery taste to it. I baked up some very delicious Lemon PoppySeed Cupcakes with a light lemon frosting!!
These are one of my favorite cupcakes they have such a light airy taste to them and they ALWAYS hit the spot;)


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

My lastest Obsession

Ever since I as old enough to sit up on the counter top by myself I have been baking with my mother! I have pictures of me up there helping and I could barely even talk, so lets just say its been in my blood for a while!!
I have grown up with the tradition that every Holiday we make sugar cookies in the shapes that coordinate with the HOliday and then decorate them!!
Now that I live with my soon to be hubby he constantly asks me why are you making cookies again haha)
But lately I have wanted to perfect my decorating, so I have been researching and researching and watching tutorials!!I found one blog that I have just been loving, and it inspired me to bake some cookies.
I have been at my other job a lot the past couple of weeks so I don't have as much time as would like to make cookies but I just wanted to share a couple of pictures of the cookies I did with some new decoration techniques I learned!!
This one is my favorite, im not perfect by any means yet but practice makes perfect right!!!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Craving some baking

Haven't really posted in awhile, I have had a short gap in my cake pop orders(which i have to admit it is nice to see my kitchen counters again) but I have been looking at all of these fabulous blogs with peoples precious cookies and cake pops and I have the itch to bake again!!!
But the problem is I have been so busy with my other two jobs that I don't even have 10 mins to sit down and whip out any tasty treats!! :( BOO HOO

So I before I become so busy with my other two jobs I was having a lot of fun experimenting with cake flavors and flavor combinations... I asked my fans on facebook what flavors they would like to see but they seem to being a bit shy to let me know haha. . . So if anyone comes across this blog please feel free to email me any fun flavors I can play around with :)

Here is my banana bread cake truffles I made the other day...
I absolutely LOVED THESE YUMMM Im drooling right now thinking about them!!

well ta ta for now im off to another long shift at work
hope to post some more fun flavors soooN!!!

Monday, May 9, 2011


Had a fun day with cake pops just wanted to share with you all, I made some sports pops for a customers order and I think they turned out so cute for my first try at them!!!

Monday Again... How Bittersweet

Well Hello again, I do hope all the mothers out there had a FABULOUS mothers day! I know I made some very cute pops for some very special mothers,I hope you enjoyed them on your special day!
I took my mother out to a very relaxing mothers day lunch for her special day. She is the most amazing person, I couldn't of asked for a better mother i am so blessed!!!

here are some photos of the cute mothers day pops I did. . .

Thank you for all your positive feedback. That is the best part of this business is hearing how happy everyone was with their tasty pops:]

I know all of these fun little holidays like mothers day and st patrick's day are coming to a slow, but remember Petite PoPs when it comes to those memorable days like Birthdays, Anniversary's, Bachelor/Bachelorette Parties, weddings, bridal showers etc.
I want to make all of your special days just a little more special with some customized PoPs just for you!!

One of my part time jobs is working at a "fun zone" with arcade games, birthday parties, pizza and lasertag and just the other day I was watching some of the parties. I noticed what a DISASTER it was when it came to cake and ice cream. These kids were so hopped up on excitement and sugar that they didn't want to sit still while the hostess cut the messy messy cake and the ice cream.
When it finally arrived at the table for the kids to enjoy they didn't want to take 20 mins of their playing time to eat a piece of cake and ice cream, so off they went.
5 mins later the frosting was smeared all over the floor from kids knocking their cake off the table and the ice cream was dripping and making a sticky mess all over the benches and the floor.
WHY DEAL WITH THIS? make this part fun for the kids, give them cake on a stick that they can eat in two bites and go back to playing. Don't you agree?
So don't deal with the messiness of traditional cake and ice cream, order some customized PoPs for these special days:]

Well I'm off to making some more PoPs, Have a fabulous day♥

Monday, May 2, 2011

Mothers Day is coming soon!!

I have been very busy with Mothers Day PoPs, which is wonderful :] There is still time to order some mothers day PoPs, but do it NOW ;)(the link is located at the bottom of the page)
I am so glad that I have started doing these PoPs, it is such a great gift to give, so different and can be customized to each individual persons likes.
I will post more pictures when I finish all of the orders!!
Don't forget to like my Petite PoPs page on facebook!! I'm always shooting out important information and giveaways!!

Many fun and exciting things are coming soon, I know many seniors are about to graduate high school here at the end of may, as well as many college graduates!! Summer is on its way as well, which brings many fun events like summer birthday parties, golf tournaments, fourth of July and the start of school again!! What a better way to celebrate these fun events than with Cake PoPs :]
Click Here to order you cake pops now!!

Thank you for all of your support

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Some PoPs i made for a business meeting
and I had a lot of fun making Easter egg PoPs here are some of my favorite. . .

I thoroughly hope everyone enjoyed their Easter egg pops i think they will brighten up any Holiday!!!

I got a request for scooby doo so that's what is coming next... today or tomorrow :)

Don't forget to visit the link on the right hand side of the page to order your mothers day PoPs!!!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Why I decided to Start Petite PoPs. . .

So the real question is . . . Why did I start Petite PoPs?
I have been thinking about doing it for a while, but always got distracted or gun shy.
I'm the kind of person, who doesn't like to put myself out there to be judged, i would rather stay in my comfort zones and feel good.

I started doing these PoPs about two Christmas's Ago and I absolutely just LOVED them!! I gave them as gifts to close family & friends and they were a BIG hit!! No one had seen them before so this got me super excited.
Then about the middle of this February I decided to just do this in home business!!!
I was bummed when I started this that Starbucks had come out with PoPs and a couple other people I know are selling them, but hey we all have different clientele and different styles. I had no intention of ever copying anyone, I thought no one had EVER seen them ha i guess i was wrong. But I'm glad I didn't let it get me too down, I'm not going to stop doing something I love because someone else is too.
I have been strapped financially for a long time now, and am tired of stressing about my monthly bills. So that is another big reason I started this was to help with bills and help me breathe every month! As I have looked for a full time job (which there really are none) nothing has worked out in my favor! Plus. . . my job I have during the week now, I just LOVE, I teach dance at a local non profit dance studio in Pocatello and manage the office there. This is the most rewarding job there is:)
It may not be full time or pay SUPER good but seeing the smiles on those children's faces as I teach them is priceless...

I am so blessed to have the support of my family and close friends as I start my adventure with Petite PoPs. Petite PoPs has taken off with flying colors these first few months and I am so grateful!

I will be adding new treats (once the orders slow down and I have more free time to play around with new things!) soon, they will all be "Petite" as well.

I look forward to what may come with this business adventure and thank you for your support!

Here's some fun easter pops I am finishing up for orders this week

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Starbucks Cake PoPs

So, as many of us know starbucks has started MASS producing cake pops, about a week before I had everything in line to start selling my cake pops I heard the news of this!!
Needless to say I was BUMMED! so being the competitor I am I just had to had to try theisecake pops, (C'Mon lets face it once something becomes "mass produced" it loses its OOOMPH!" )I didn't let this get my hopes down because i think the special thing about those of us who sell baked goods like this is ,that they are baked from our hearts and we take pride in the production and image we put out there!

Well I have now tried each of the three flavors at Starbucks and YUCKKK! 
First off, when they gave my first one to me they chucked it in a bag and handed it to me. When I pulled the pop out it was coated SOOO thick,totally lopsided and sloppy!! Then I bit into the monstrosity and after a couple of minutes when my mouth finally dissolved the mass of coating, I had the mushy cake middle stuck to the roof of my mouth and felt like a dog with peanut butter!
Lets just say my overall review of the pops aresloppy, too mushy and the coating is wayy to thick! I think my cake pops as well as many others who make these, are much tastier!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

As of late

Petite PoPs sure has been busy, but so thankful for being busy!!! 
I have kind of felt like a CrAzY cake pop lady haha
The second I think I'm done baking for a second, 
I get a phone call or email asking for more pops, I don't think I have seen
my kitchen counters until today!! But the good thing is I LOVE IT!! 
I just did some super cute easter egg pops today and loved seeing 
the kids faces when they came into my office for their daily pop and 
saw awesome easter eggs.
They really are the PERFECT treat for kids, especially for easter. 
A lot of moms have even been using them as a reward for their kids 
which is FINE for me ;) and they absolutely love when their kids come 
home and ask for chores to earn money!!!

But any whoo I just wanted to remind everyone about the easter egg pops
they are $1.50ea or $15.00/dozen!!! They also look AdOrAbLe in an easter basket bouquet $18.00 for a dozen pops in a precious basket with easter grass and all!!! The kids will think very highly of the easter bunny if they woke up to this on easter morning!!! :)

 Don't forget to "like" my facebook page "Petite PoPs" I just got done giving away free pops so you never know when you could get an awesome giveaway like that.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Maybe I should stick to baking.... UGHHHHH!!!!

So I decided to take a break from baking today and "hang out" with some of my fiance's family who LOVE to golf!! Well about half way through the first half of the round. . . . . WACK, I was nailed in my calf with a flying golf ball, needless to say there were tears and the fun was OVERRR for the day for me. So I learned my lesson I will stay in the kitchen I do what I do... haha BAKE!! Obviously I'm not cut out for the golf course!!

But anyways enough about that, im doing a sweet little drawing for my facebook page, since I just started my Petite PoPs business I decided that the first 50 people who "like" my Petite PoPs facebook page will be entered into a drawing for a free 1/2 dozen PoPs. MMMMM a delicious treat just for "liking" my page huh!! :)

So if you are on Facebook please search: Petite PoPs and "like" it.

That's all for now I am going to go take care of my leg :( BOOOOOOOO

Oooh and P.S im super excited I just received my first business cards in the mail ;)

Thursday, April 7, 2011


So how ironic that on here and on my facebook page I keep telling people that cake pops make you smile. Well I wasn't having the best time of it yesterday and so I decided to have a Petite PoP, (which I do not normally do. . . I will bake them but if I ate as many as I bake I would be in TrOuBlE) and it totally turned my day around. It was like one of those chocolate commercials where the hottie po tattie bites into the chocolate and the world stops around her while she is engrossed in her chocolatey goodness! Ya thats totally what happened for me, I took one bite and let the rest of the world fall away while I enjoyed my tasty smooth creamy pop AND guess what happened afterwards... A Big smile came across my face and then everything was A OK from there on out.

I mean really what could be better than this...

So if anyone else ever feels like they are having a pooopy day
Email me and order some pops for yourself
I promise they make everything better :)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Very Excited

Oh how excited I am , and as I say this I think to myself wow your really this excited over this? Well I bet your wondering well what in the heck are you so excited about????
..... well ...... I have some AMAZING TASTY recipes to go home and try!!!
haha i know what your thinking, you thought I was going to be oh so excited about something big!!
Well this is big in my book. . . and good for your tummys!
I am so passionate about not only my wonderful fiance' but baking I love it and everything I bake has part of my love to bake in it!! ♥
 I also wanted to take the time to thank everyone for their support as I slowly but surely get my petite pops business going.
Each time someone asks me to do an order of pops for them I get this HUGE grin on my face.
I'm one of these people who likes to put a smile on other people's face and if I don't accomplish this I do not feel complete. One of the reasons I decided to start doing Petite PoPs and selling them along with bouquets of pops was because I know when I had my first cake pop It made me smile!!
Whats not to smile about??? decadent cake and chocolate on a stick oooooh boy they are delicous and takes you to that feel good place... you all know what im talking about. So I wanted to be able to share this good feeling with others.
So thank you everyone for your support I sure do appreciate it!!
P.S I started a Petite PoPs facebook page, so not only will I be posting on here religiously but I will be posting there as well. I have some fun ideas for givaways too so go and "like" my page Petite PoPs so that when the givaways happen you can have a shot at something TaStY*

And when I find the time to try these new recipes(if it doesn't happen tonight) I will OF COURSE post the results. . .

Monday, April 4, 2011

Addicted. .

So Today I diagnosed myself with an addiction. . . An Addiction to making cake pops haha!
This is what I did after I got home from the gym this morning at 7:00am :) Easter is going to be here quickly and everyone is excited for the Easter bunny to come!! Well he visited my house a little early to help me make these adorable Easter egg cake pops!! Order yours today!
easter egg cake pops!

Pastel pink great for baby showers(available in pastel blue)

Great mothers day gift!

*email me with your orders at Please give at least 48 hrs notice, because these orders are customized to your liking and individually dipped and made.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Potted Plants

Well I failed to complete all of my projects today due to the semi nice weather outside. . . :)
I decided to go play while I had the time and no orders to complete!
I did in fact get all of my petite balls rolled and some
of the fun shapes cut that I want to play around with.

Here are some quick snap shots of the project I did complete tonight!!
I think they turned out adorable, and are perfect for a gift!!

*Coming Soon*
Ordering sheet with flavor and style combinations
there are just so many fun flavor combos to make it is taking me a while to make and taste(mMMMmmmmM the best part) all of the flavors etc etc. But it will be up shortly...

                                                                      Potted Flowers

                                                                           So cute

                                                 Perfect way to celebrate the start of spring. . .

To place your order for a Perfect Petite Pot of Flower Pops please contact me by email:
                                        for all of the details.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

more spring & easter petite pop creations. . .

Hello there everyone. . .
Spring is just about here for good, and easter is just hopping around the corner!Oh Oh and don't forget one of the most important days of the year... MoThErS DaY!
So I spent the day looking for goodies to pair with my deluctible petite pops for these wonderful occasions.
Here is a sneak peak. . . finished results will be posted tomorrow!!

Contact me if you would like to place an easter, mothers day or just a fun springy order.
Prices and details will be posted tomorrow after the finished product is revealed.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Easter Baskets

Cake Pop Easter Baskets are the perfect solution to a gift for easter. Not only are they adorable, they are so tasty.
Basket with 1 dozen individually wrapped and tied cake pops $25.00

Contact me today to design a basket for you!